Frequently Asked Questions
What is mediation?
Mediation is the process by which a neutral mediator appointed by the court or agreed to by the parties assists the parties in reaching a mutually acceptable agreement as to issues of child custody and visitation. The role of the mediator is to aid the parties in identifying the issues, reducing misunderstandings, clarifying priorities, exploring areas of compromise and finding points of agreement. An agreement reached by the parties is based on the decisions of the parties, and not the decisions of the mediator.
How much does mediation cost?
Contact me for current rates and availability. I generally work in sessions of about three hours. This allows us to complete discussions. Some people seem to work best in longer sessions, and others after an hour. I aim for three-hour sessions. My policy is that payment is due before the session. I do accept mediation referrals from Family Court Services. If you have been approved for funding for your mediation this will be reflected in your invoice.
How long does mediation take and how much will this cost?
The time and cost will really be a function of two things; how complicated your situation is, and to what extent the two of you can talk constructively together. Usually, I suggest scheduling meetings every week but scheduling is entirely a function of your needs -- you can choose to meet more, or less, frequently, as you both decide.
Everything you say in mediation will be treated as confidential, If you do come to terms on all the points we will memorialize the agreement in a document.
Where do we meet?
Video mediation is also available for parents who live out of town or working at a distance. If the preference is an in-person mediation we will meet at a location that works for everyone.